Painted Collage

A clean studio is always death knell to my muse.  So having a clean studio after taping for HGTV earlier this month really had me dried up.  I would walk into the studio, look it over, and think "wow, it’s really clean down here.  a girl could really make some art."  Then I would walk out.  This problem was compounded by the fact that the studio also became the master wrapping site for presents for four children and various and assorted friends and family.

But, I reclaimed the studio this week and am proud to announce it is back to its usual messy state.  For weeks I’ve been thinking about doing a sort of meshed painting/collage kind of thing.  Here is a piece I worked on today.


I have also been making Artist’s Trading Cards for an informal swap I hope to get started on New Years Day.  It will be an online swap, with no set theme or number of cards you are required to make.  Anyone who wants to participate can make ATCs, then post them on their blog or in a folder on a site like Collage Cats on or before New Years Day.  I’ll compile a master last of everyone who is trading and where their ATCs will be posted and people can email each other fortrades — sort of like being live at Art and Soul, only this will be online. 

Doesn’t it sound perfect for this time of year?  An easy swap that lets you connect with old and new artist friends as a way to start off your new year!  If you’re interested, drop me an email or post a reply here, and make a couple (or more) ATCs to trade.  If you need any inspiration for making ATCs, Bernie Berlin’s new book on ATCs, Artist’s Trading Cards Workshop, is really wonderful.  So make a couple of ATCs and join in!

Posted in Art

9 thoughts on “Painted Collage

  1. Wow love your new piece it’s amazing!!! the colors and the image of the girl are just FANTASTIC!!! I love it!!! and yes would love to join the swap!!! count me in!! hugs Linda

  2. Wow, Joyce! I love this ATC, and I love this idea!! I can already see that THIS ATC is going to get swiped up in no time! Thanks for the special invite to join in the fun….I’d love to play!!

  3. wonderful piece…. four kids and still managing to create???! you are my hero!
    also; how did you get this very cool “works in progress” percentage map-thing-a-ma-gig on the left column?

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