If you are here for the ATC swap (and I really hope that you are!) the trading starts on New Years Day. That means that you still have time to make some cards and join in the swap. You can make as few or many as you wish and any theme/orientation is fine.
Here’s what you do: (1) upload your atcs to your blog/picture trail/etc (or contact me if you need a place); (2) email me with the link where they are posted; and (3) Surf through the links to other artists who are trading and email them to work out any swaps you want to make.
Upload your ATCs anytime tomorrow (new years day) and let the trading start!
The list of links for where people have uploaded their cards is all the way down on the lower left corner of this page (scroll ALL the way down and look left). Please consider making an atc or two if you haven’t already and joining us! I’ll be happy to add you to this list, just drop me an email to joyce at elliebelly dot com and tell me where your atcs are located. This is a great way to connect with new and old friends at the start of the New Year and all you have to do is make one ATC to participate. If you aren’t familiar with ATCs, they are 2 1/2 by 3 1/2" pieces of art that artists make to trade with one another. I’ll be posting mine later, but this is one of them.
Joyce, can I join a few days late? I LOVE this idea and would love to hurry and make a few to join in. My style medium is a bit different from the ones I see listed. Is it just for collage? I’ve never seen ATC’s, but they are such a neat idea! I need to get out of the Mommy world and back into the art world. lol!
Got your message. B and E are spoken for so please let me know if there is something else you would like to trade for.
Cheers and `happy new year!!
happy new year joyce! what a great idea to host this atc trade. unfortunately, don’t have any for trade 🙂 love your grungy nature atc and the others! just gorgeous.
Hi Joyce — I’m blogless no more! I wish I could join in the ATC swap a little late as it sounds so much fun but I have too many irons in the fire right now. Maybe next time around?