Wednesday night was my second painting class. I’ve got to say upfront that I’m never going to be a great painter. I don’t see shapes and light right and I can’t draw. But I really am enjoying this and I think it’s going to expand my collage horizons in a nice way.
For class two, Jennifer gave us a palette of blue, brown, and white, and sent us off to paint. This is my painting, which I think is going to need to have some collage additions before I’m happy with it.
In other, decidely exciting, news in my house, Ollie, who is four, has finally succumbed to the allure of pooping on the potty. In the lexicon of our rather strange household, this requires what we so nicely in our house call the "I pooped on the potty party," which means Mama dashed home from work in the middle of the day to bake the party cake.
I’m not sure why his sword was on the kitchen counter and I didn’t notice it until I was part way done, but it seemed appropriate. I also discovered that child number two has been using an inordinate amount of sugar in his morning tea, so I had no white sugar. For future reference, brown sugar and Hershey’s dark chocolate powder produce a wonderful cake.
As interesting as it was to race home on my lunch hour to bake, I have to say it was more than worth it to finally, after four children and sixteen years of cloth diapering (with a few years of breaks in between children, notably my darling daughter who potty trained herself at the age of two) to finally be through with that stage of life.
Ollie seemed pretty pleased with the entire affair!
I am slightly concerned that I may have scarred him for life. You see, I really don’t potty train. I pretty much ignore the entire deal. But the Judge announced he wasn’t changing diapers anymore, so I decided I had to get serious this time and pulled out Robert and Teddy’s old potty video (you haven’t lived until you’ve caught yourself humming "she is a super-dooper pooper" in a staff meeting) and bought a cute little potty seat.
In a bad mommy moment, while trying to explain to Ollie why we use a potty (not a diaper, or a litter box like his friend Harry the Maine Coon Cat), I told him it was like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and that if you didn’t poop you would swell up like she did and explode. (I warned you it was a bad mommy moment). He asked about it a couple of times, and I explained it was just an analogy and that her problem had been gum, but that your body would get uncomfortable if you didn’t poop. I thought he had forgotten until he was proudly sitting on the big potty in the bathroom pooping and proudly informed me "I’m not going to blow up like Violet did!"
Thousands of dollars in therapy, right? All in all, I have to say that I’m happy that this stage in our lives is over!
Ta ra ra boom de yay… I push my pants away… and while I’m standing there… pull down my underwear! I hate that video but my kids loved it and still sing the songs YEARS later! Congrats! Don’t worry about the therapy thing… everyone needs therapy, and sometimes a convenient excuse makes it easier.
Joyce, you are so funny. Congratulations on your new found freedom from changing diapers.
I love your painting. I think you have potential.
Ollie is a doll.
Yeah for Ollie!!! Yeah for Joyce
Isn’t pooping on the potty a beautiful thing? LOL
Yippee Ollie! And how fun that you bake a poop cake, Joyce! That’s great! And I do know what a time of celebration it truly is!
And hon, I like your painting! You need to quit knockin’ it. You are doing great! These colors seem to suit you too. I really like the piece.
Yippee Ollie! And how fun that you bake a poop cake, Joyce! That’s great! And I do know what a time of celebration it truly is!
And hon, I like your painting! You need to quit knockin’ it. You are doing great! These colors seem to suit you too. I really like the piece.
I’m am laughing away at all of this. Way to go, Ollie! And, congrats, Joyce. Cloth diapers for 16 years – bad mommy, my foot, you deserve the super mommy award!
Joyce, you are a fabulous painter and a fabuous mom… and you could be a stand up comic as well. You are so funny!
First, your painting is off to a great start!
Second, it cost us hundreds of dollars in Power Rangers for our 1st to be potty trained. He still waited until HE was ready. The second child I didn’t worry about and he sat when he was ready and that’s all it took! Congrats….NO MORE DIAPERS!!!
At first, I thought that this was just a nice story about pooping on the potty (before I was a mom I wouldn’t have ever written that LOL) but the cake took the…well, the cake! I loved it so much that i forwarded it to several friends who are patiently waiting for the day when they can bake a cake just like that
Kudos to a very good mom!
First of all…I LOVE your painting! I think that you’re off to a GREAT start! Wow..I’d give anything to be able to draw.
Secondly..congratulations on being a party pooper..LOL!! Oh, how I HATED those days! It was worth than pulling teeth. Maybe I should have tried the “explode effect”. You should submit that one to Dr.Phil! However, we must talk about the cake…CHOCOLATE icing for a poop party?? Hee, hee…maybe white would be better!!