Our cats like Plucktober. All that sitting around and knitting all day long. Balls of yarn everywhere. What's a cat to do but laze around and enjoy the fun until it's too tiring and, ummmm, must nap with Mom's knitting.
Although I only managed to snap photos of Dingus in full nap mode, all five of our monster-cats either sat on my lap to "help" me knit, or snuggled down on top of my knitting for a nap as soon as I got up to attend to something else for a few minutes.
The cats gave me really good knitting karma. By the time I stopped to cook dinner this evening, I was two and one-half repeats in on Ollie's Arlo sweater. Although I doubt I'll finish it in just one month, I'm hoping to finish the back and sleeves, and make a start on the fronts. Thanks for the good mojo, cats!
One great fringe benefit of Plucktober is seeing everyone else's projects and finding half a dozen new patterns you've absolutely got to drop everything and start knitting at least every other day. Today was no exception for me, and I stumbled across Lynne's Lake Effect in Lolipop Guild Oxford, Ania's Lindenroot Hat, Christine's Mailin, and, oh my gosh!, Sarah's Baa-ble Hat. I've simply got to find a way to clone myself so I can knit more!