Malabrigo March is almost over and it has been a whirlwind! I've been out of town almost as much as I've been in town, which has been bad for blogging but rather interesting for knitting. Before each trip, I cast on several projects and then negotiate with myself over space in my suitcase. I have been known to turn two changes of clothing into a week's worth of outfits, just so I can take four knitting projects along as well.
I'm getting ready to head out of the country for the rest of the month and, predictably, I'm taking four projects along with me.
The first is so new that I've only just cast on and will be working on the brim during the flight. The pattern is Fuego and I'm knitting it in Malabrigo Worsted in Fuschia.

I'm also taking along my Lutz Jump hat. I'm midway through the first of three pattern repeats and I highly recommend this pattern. It zips right along and has clever little stitches in it, like one reoccurring motif that depends on a slip one, knit one, make a yarn over and pass the slipped stitch over the knit stitch and the yarn over. It's fun and fast, and I love it in this Damask Rose colorway. I've never made a pom pom before, but I think this hat will need one!

I haven't gotten far with my Steam Punk Cowl. The pattern is called Metallurgy and I adored it on sight. But, it hasn't been my favorite knit so far. I'm hoping that under the influence of very cold weather on this trip, I'll get more excited about knitting it. (and yes, for those of you who follow my Maine Moon Cats, that's Hermione guarding my knitting). I'm knitting with Silky Merino in Smoke.

Last, but not least, I'm taking the current quilt square in progress for my Barn Raising Quilt. My goal for this year is to knit one a month while doing other projects and to finish up knitting squares by the middle of next year so I can put it together before my darling daughter goes off to college. It's nice to have a child who knits and appreciates knitting, and I'm hoping the quilt will be a piece of home she can take with her when she leaves the nest. I"m knitting the quilt from Malabrigo Sock in Piedras.

That's it for me for now, although I will try to do a couple of quick posts or at least photo updates while we travel. Please keep my house in your prayers as it is in the hands of our two twenty-something children while we head off. This could be interesting!