
Knitting A Sweater

Sweaters have always been a knitting nemesis for me, so let's just get it right out there.  I'm not a math geek.  It took me a long time to appreciate both stitch and row gauge.  I have a lot of bloopers in my knitting past (I'm thinking about you pint-sized Agnes that was meant for me and you Little Red, that looks to be turning out even smaller), although I've also had some successes.  Those were mostly despite myself or on baby sweaters.


So now we have Vodka Lemonade, the first of my post-self awareness about gauge sweaters.  Isn't it pretty?  That's the Plucky Knitter's Crew, a cotton and merino blend that feels great to knit with and that I'm convinced will be light enough for spring in Alabama. I've also become convinced that the color is a neutral, or at least it is for me since my wardrobe is mostly black and gray.

But, the question is going to be fit.



Here are the start of the raglan increases.  The pattern suggests about 30 of them in my size, and yes, I am good on gauge so far.  But since this is top down, I'm going to try to take advantage of the opportunity to try on, to measure me, measure the knitting, measure other sweaters that I like the fit of, and NAIL this one.  Or at least end up with a sweater that fits.

I am not a fast knitter at the best of times (plus the kids do seem to like having dinner on the table at night) and this yarn is a light dk weight.  So this sweater is, in some ways, going agonizingly slowly for me.  At the same time, it's a very pleasurable knit once you establish the rhythm of the border edges and the increase stitches on either side of the sleeves.  And I am apparently a freak of nature because I enjoy knitting seed stitch.  So I'm not in any hurry to finish, although I do want to wear the sweater this spring/summer.

I'll share my progress on this one with you over the next few weeks, although I plan to knit it along with Drachenfels, so expect slow but sure progress.  And please keep me in your thoughts on the issues of gauge and fit.  I'm going to need all the support I can get!


New Knitting Project: Tipperary

I liked my last Norah Gaughan project, this capelet, so much, that I decided to try another.  This one, straight off of her beautiful new website in her Volume 15 pattern book.  It's called Tipperary.


In a mere five more repeats, this small start will grow into a beautiful, full shawl, that I intend to wrap around my neck like a large bulky scarf — there seems to be a lot of that going on in my life this winter, proportionate to the amount of time I'm spending up north this year.

The yarn is my new and continuing favorite, Plucky Snug.  Swoon.

This is in the Steel Cut colorway, and it is still like knitting with butter.  I really adore the merino/alpaca blend with just enough cashmere to make it perfect.  Alpaca sometimes makes me sneezy, but in this blend, I have no trouble with it at all, and none of the hairy halo that I have found annoying in other Alpaca yarns. Five skeins of snug, or roughly 550 yards of this yarn, should do it.

I'm doing something new with this one, and using an app on my IPad called Knit Companion, which makes dealing with patterns a snap.  Although I'm just learning to use it, it lets you blow up those tiny lace (or cable) charts so you can actually see them, and keep your place in the pattern with a row marker.  Some kind Ravelry knitters pointed me towards Knit Companion and I'm really glad I tried it.  You can download a free version and do a couple of tutorials to see if it's something that might work for you.  I'm really glad I found it!



Knitting with Dragons. Color Choices. Why I Knit.

Drachenfels, which means Dragon Cliffs in German, is also a wonderful pattern by Melanie Berg for a multi-colored, knit shawl.


(c) Melanie Berg (with permission)

My plan is to knit it with sport-weight cashmere from The Plucky Knitter.

The issue?  Color selection.  I have some choices ahead.


Choice One: the blue color is Thank You Note, and truth be told, it is probably my all time favorite color.  The green is called Good Old Days, and the first time I saw it, I wondered who could possibly like it.  The answer is me.  I've got a hat on my needles in it, a sweater in a related shade in progress, and plans to do another sweater (because I want a pullover in this color in addition to the cardigan I'm knitting). I adore it, and although as a kid I was told I couldn't wear green, this one works for me.  And gray.  Because I love gray.


Choice Two: It's hard to capture the depth of this teal blue-green.  It's the same color as the Olivia I currently have in progress, which I've also been unable to get an accurate color photo of.


Choice Three: I am not a colorful person.  But I could be, especially if I knit Drachenfels up like this!


Choice Four: Ignore Thank You Note on the left, and focus on the delicious introduction of Cabernet, the red, with the pink (Decorum Dictates) and the light gray.  This one might be impossible to resist.


Choice Five: My original thought was to go with the two grays and the scummy green.  But the contrast wasn't high enough.  Then Decorum Dictates, the blush pink, dropped into my lap while they were out.  The three on the left — pink, gray, and green.


Choice Six: Another strong contender (ok, they are all strong contenders or we wouldn't be having this wishy-washy post), I originally thought about doing this is the red and grays combination, and this is the yarn I ordered for Drachenfels.  And I still love it.  I love them all.  I think they would all be splendid.  So, I'm having a hard time deciding.


Choice Seven: Finally, there is this lovely concoction of gray, blue, and red.  It will look good with black, which is a must in my wardrobe.  It is both unusual and familiarly comforting.  I like it a lot.  But then, as we have previously established, I like all of them.

So help me out.  Let me know what you like and why.  What would be practical.  What would be whimsical.  Help me decide on colors for my Drachenfels, and consider joining me! Drachenfels has been knit 511 times on Ravelry (as of this posting) and in such a wide variety of yarns!

This project pretty much sums up why I knit.  Beautiful colors.  Wonderful, soft fibers.  Texture.  The planning is as much fun as the knitting.  The finished project will be surreal.  Truly, I cannot wait!



What’s Your Favorite Color To Knit With?

It started innocuously enough, with a couple of pretty skeins that I purchased during a trip to a favorite local yarn store in Tuscaloosa.  I'd never really thought about chartreuse.  It looked like Shrek.  And, my Mom never really liked me in green.  But those first skeins jumped into my cart over the summer, and suddenly that color was everywhere!

Chartreuse mosaic

Have you ever developed a color obsession from out of no where?  It's not even a trendy, Pantone scale color for 2015.  It just suddenly caught my eye.  And my needles.

There seems to be no end in sight.  I have some coming for a sweater — slightly different, and in different fibers, than the one I already have in progress.  And a few skeins for a cowl that will likely be a gift for a friend.

I wonder if it's just me, or if everyone picks up color obsessions over time; only it's magnified for knitters and other crafters who work with color.  I would love to hear about your color obsession!


Another Knit Nevermind Hat. Subtitle: Why I Love The Plucky Knitter’s Snug Yarn

I'm sure I sound like I have lost my marbles to anyone who is not passionate about knitting.  But, I have a new favorite yarn, and I really don't care who knows about it.  Snug.  I love you Snug.  I love you for your cashmere content and for your beautiful, smooth, round, bulkiness.  And I love how you take color.  All of them.  I loved you right out of the box, even before the first time I put you on my needles.


I love you even more, now that I've knit a second hat out of Snug, my second using the Nevermind cabled pattern.  It is what you were meant for.


Forgive me for the glamour shot.  I'm rather partial to the model as well.  But she still doesn't get to keep the hat!

The colorway is Fisherman's Wharf, a neutral with just a hint of a purpleish undertone in the right light.  So subtle that you're not even sure it's there.  So beautiful that I'm kicking myself for not getting a sweater quantity.




Here is the obligatory cat photo.  I was chided, after the lovely photo of our baby cat Juliet earlier this week, for not including our cats in more photos.  So here is Harry, who is skilled at photobombing, but agreed to pose just this once.


In case I haven't been clear, if you don't have any of The Plucky Knitter Snug in your stash you need to RUN not walk and get some.  You can buy it at her periodic updates or through destash on Ravelry if you're lucky.  It's amazing yarn.  You need to knit with some now!


New Year’s Knitting

I wanted to catch you all up on the knitting I have planned for the month of January.  I've joined The Plucky Knitter WIP Wrangling KAL, the goal being to finish Plucky projects that were started before the new year during the month of January.


I started Olivia at the end of November, but promptly set her aside to get some final holiday knitting done.  Fisherman's Rib has been slow going for me, but I really like its plump, cushy effect. I'm hoping to spend some quality time with Olivia and conquer the short row technique necessary to finish her off this month.

Because I'm like this as a knitter, I hit a Cast-On-All-The-Things streak the last two weeks in December and set up a number of other projects to include in the KAL:

  • I'm knitting a second Nevermind Hat in Plucky Snug.  This one is for me.


  • Vodka Lemonade is a sweater I've wanted to do forever.  I've cast on in Plucky Crew — a cotton/merino blend.  Although there is about zero chance I'll finish this in January, I'm hoping to get a good start.


  • I'm in love with Paddle Mitts and am doing mine in Plucky Scholar.  The stripes on the hands will be in a different weight Plucky yarn, but I'm optimistic that it will all work out.


  • Some of my precious Plucky cashmere is going to become a Lina Hat.  I'm not overjoyed with my cable cast on, but I've decided to assess it tomorrow and rip it out for a fresh start if it sucks as bad as I think it does seems to need a little help.


Wish me luck, ok?  January is always a busy month at work for me, so this may be my knitting for several months, rather than just January.  I'm really happy to have it all on my needles and ready to carry with me for delays and lines.

Finally, a sad note to the start of the year.  Longtime blog readers (that would be you, Mom), know that we have four cats.  Our beloved black cat Squirt, the oldest of our cats, passed away peacefully but suddenly.  I'm going to miss his affectionate nature and loving support for my knitting — he enjoyed the holidays and was especially fond of having me sit on the couch for hours at a time and bat balls of yarn around for his pleasure.  I'm going to miss him a lot, but am really glad he sat for one last family photo shoot a couple of weeks ago.



Yarn Things That Are Happening In My House Today

Although I need to clean up for New Year's Eve company and make myself presentable, there is a lot of knitting/fiber related activity in my house at the moment.  It's a good summation of my knitting year, covering all of the bases.

There is blocking.  More on this one to come as soon as it's dry.  Suffice it to say, it's lovely and I'm very pleased with it, although a bit nervous about how the superwash collar seems to be growing exponentially as it blocks.


There is also (successful) swatching.  Dead on gauge.  It's a Christmas miracle.


And finally, there is dyeing.  Wow, that's very pink isn't it!  It's the first dye bath in a three step process, so look for the final result later this week.


Whatever you are up to today, I hope you have a happy yarn/knitting/fiber-ful New Year's Eve and on into the New Year!  Happy 2015.